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Progressive Muscle Relaxation; An Approach to Therapy and it’s benefits

During this time of COVID-19 pandemic, where anxiety, stress and even depression is on its way to rise, here is a small exercise that you can try at home. Progressive Muscle Relaxation has been a part of therapy for a lot many years and has scientifically proven to reduce stress levels in individuals, with regular practice.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a therapeutic intervention that aims to achieve deep muscle relaxation and also attempts to release body muscle tension that might have manifested due to psycho-somatic reasons.

Time Required for Progressive Muscle Relaxation – 20 minutes in a day

Place – Any safe place where you are not likely to be disturbed. It will be helpful to find a comfortable spot, either sitting on a chair or lying/sitting on the floor. It is advised to avoid the bed for this practice.

Posture – Try to keep your back straight, but not so straight that you develop back pain. If you are sitting on the floor, cross your legs and keep your arms comfortably, palms facing upwards or downwards, as per your convenience. If you are sitting on the chair, make sure that the soles of your feet and touching the floor. If you are lying down, try to keep your body relaxed and do not cross your arms or legs. Try to do this exercise barefoot.

Remember, we have to release tension and not create tension. 

Click here to listen to this podcast on Progressive Muscle Relaxation when you are seated comfortably.

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3 thoughts on “Progressive Muscle Relaxation; An Approach to Therapy and it’s benefits”

  1. Pingback: MHT Blog | Yoga; Therapy for Mind and the Soul | Ramya Pillutla

  2. Pingback: Mindfulness during COVID-19 | Mental Health Today

  3. I have tried the PMR for a few days and literally felt the change in my back pain that I was struggling with for almost a month. I recommend this atleast once in two days for those struggling with anxiety and stress related body ache.

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