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Antidote: The New Age of Online Counselling | MHT Podcast

counselling - antidote - raashi narang
MHT Podcasts | Antidote | The New Age Counselling Intervention

Antidote: Therapy and Beyond, is a new age intervention in the field of counselling. Given the current pandemic that has been taking an effect on the entire world population, many of us are left with a lot of uncertainty and various plans gone wrong. In these times, it has become all the more important to give our mental health a priority and work consciously towards adapting to this “new normal”. Giving counselling a try, either face to face or online, both can have positive effects on the clients understanding of their own emotions and also rationalizing them into more effective thought patterns.

A research done by University of California, Los Angeles, shows that putting feelings to words can have therapeutic effects in our brains and can also help reduce the intensities of heavy emotions such as sadness, anger and pain.

Given the different types of therapies that are available in today’s times and how extensively mental health professionals are promoting their practices, online counselling is the emerging to be the new trend. Online counselling can benefit the client just as a face to face counselling can, while taking care of other restrictions such as location, social distancing and confidentiality.

In these times, Antidote: Therapy and Beyond takes one step towards helping us interact with the therapist we prefer at any time of the day. Listen to this MHT Podcast to know more about Antidote’s journey.

About Antidote: Therapy and Beyond

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Antidote, therapy and beyond – is one of a kind Digital platform that connects psychologists and those in need from anywhere, at any time. We provide a safe place for people to discuss their concerns with therapists and counselling psychologists using any medium, be it WhatsApp messaging, calls or video calls. Any individual that requires a session can simply reach out to us to fix an appointment with registered counselling psychologists. Our services are available to any and everyone in need and at any time.

To know more about Antidote and their services, click here.

About Rashi G. Narang

antidote - counselling - raashi narang

Raashi G Narang, the founder of Antidote feels that mental health is the need of the hour. We believe that we could help people get the right help they need. We are a team of three, who have personally sought therapy and understand the need for it. Our aim is to make it easier for people to get the help they need, from the comfort of their space. 

About MHT Podcast

MHT Podcast is an online audio based platform, by Mental Health Today, devoted to sharing information and awareness on mental health-related issues. MHT Podcast has a variety of series such as MHT Podcast | Therapy for Thoughts, MHT Podcast | Autism Support, MHT Podcast | Survivor Series, MHT Podcast | Bibliotherapy, MHT Podcast | Media Reviews, MHT Podcast | Psychology 101 and more. These different series reflects a new and more diverse perspective of mental health in our society and also at an individual level. 

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