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An Insight into: “Boys & Sex” by Peggy Orenstein | Media Review Podcast Ep. 12

Boys & Sex- Book Review - Peggy Orenstein - MHT Podcast
By MHT Podcasts; Book- Boys & Sex

Boys & Sex was published originally in January 2020 and written by acclaimed author Peggy Orenstein. The book is an unbiased analysis of interviews with several young men on their sexual encounters, preferences and notions. Through her conversations with these young men, Peggy Orenstein attempts to bring to light how men are coping with locker room talk and common stereotypes.

The book is available for purchase as an e-book on Amazon kindle, Google play books,  Kobo and audible. You can also purchase a hardcover on amazon.in

An Insight into: “Boys & Sex” by Peggy Orenstein

Boys & Sex-Book Review-Media Review
Picture Credits: Chicago Tribune

In our society we have so many preconceived notions about sex itself without taking into consideration what is actually happening in the minds of the people involved.

 “ Boys only think of one thing “ A line we have probably heard a hundred times from the older men in our family. Is it fair to keep making these assumptions without understanding the society that has put men in this position? 

Often, we blame men for not being able to discuss their feelings and be sensitive but let’s start talking about the in-built standards men feel they have to live up to today.

Tune in to this MHT podcast to listen to a young man’s perspective on the ideas discussed in the book and become part of the conversation. Dr. Ashish Narvekar’s journey to understand the mind has brought him here to his first podcast episode, to look beyond the confines of his professional capacity as a Doctor.

Using the tools of understanding via Philosophy, Psychology, Mythology, Religion, Science and Spirituality, let us attempt to reformulate a proper Mode of Being, such that we can discuss Ideas respectfully and with nuance.

About MHT Media Review

MHT Media Review series aims to bring to you a new lens to view everyday media through. Each movie, series, song, a letter can be viewed differently and each can affect individuals in different ways. Listening to the episodes in this series can help you by maybe showing you the media in a different light, taking solace in the fact that you are not alone in your struggles, or maybe by just providing you with an option to binge on at night.

After the phenomenal response to MHT Bibliotherapy series, we thought why should we limit ourselves to only books. This episode of the MHT Media Review series talks about all that we have to offer you in this series. An attempt for us to help you feel good 🙂

Some disclaimers to keep in mind.

  1. In no way does MHT Media Review claim to have any promotional rights to the media in the discussion. We have nothing to gain from the same, monetary or otherwise.
  2. The opinions in the series are of the speaker and the speaker alone. MHT does not take credits or responsibility to any of the views expressed.

If you feel that you have that one particular movie/series/song/video/poem/letter/or any other published media that has made an impact on your mental health and you wish to share the same with our listeners, please do let us know in the comments below and we will definitely get back to you.

About MHT Podcast

MHT Podcast is an online audio based platform, by Mental Health Today, devoted to sharing information and awareness on mental health-related issues. MHT Podcast has a variety of series such as MHT Podcast | Therapy for Thoughts, MHT Podcast | Autism Support, MHT Podcast | Survivor Series, MHT Podcast | Bibliotherapy, MHT Podcast | Media Reviews, MHT Podcast | Psychology 101 and more. These different series reflects a new and more diverse perspective of mental health in our society and also at an individual level. 

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