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Podcast | Science behind Mindfulness and Sleep

Podcast | Science behind Mindfulness and Sleep

Research studies have found a robust effect of mindfulness on sleep. In this podcast episode with Ms. Krutika, explore the vast world of sleep and dreams and how being mindful can impact our sleep as well as dreams. 

The psychology of dreams is something that everyone wishes to learn about. But did you know that your dreams are also dependent on the quality of sleep you take?

These are some interesting revelations that will be discussed further in this podcast episode on Science behind Mindfulness and Sleep. Tune in to this episode now and learn about improving the quality of sleep, focus with the help of mindfulness.

About Ms. Krutika

Ms. Krutika

Kruttika is a counseling psychologist and a research associate who believes that Mental Health requires a real picture and plans to paint one with her work in the near future.

When she is not scrolling through her pdfs you will find her quoting sitcoms, nerding the psychology of their characters, or sipping coffee.

Say her hello at
Or @truelykru on Instagram

Find your Focus with Neuphony – A Wearable EEG Device

Find out more about Neuphony: Click here

Now you can use different techniques of mindfulness without Meditation Headband. Neupony is a  headband similar to a Brain EEG device, which measures your brain waves and informs you when you are off track. When you enter deep meditative states, your brain develops different brain wave frequencies, like Alpha, Beta, Theta, Gamma, and Delta. During meditation, the brain tends to go into Theta wave frequency. This headband lets you know the state of mind you are in and directs you to the desired frequency throughout the entire process.

Benefits of Meditation 

Meditation provides a long list of fruitful benefits, some of them are:

  • Meditating effectively helps a person get better and sound sleep which is necessary for proper functioning of the mind as well as of the body.
  • Meditation helps us in getting access to the different states of consciousness occuring in our mind.
  • It lowers the blood pressure and heart rate, inviting calmess.
  • It also helps in reducing worrisome factors like anxiety, stress or tension.
  • It increases the ability of a person to focus on a particular task.
  • Lastly, it invites positivity and breaks the undesirable states of our mind and balances our emotions.

How can Neuphony and Meditation Support your Psychological Issues?

With Neuphony Change the reactive approach towards mental health and start building resilience by being more proactive.

Improve Focus

Getting distracted is easy for our mind, all it takes is one stray thought. Distractions eat up so much of our time and mental resources that either we are left feeling overwhelmed or incompetent.

By creating a brain map of your cognitive state Neuphony helps you:

  1. Identity these distractions, when they happen
  2. Control your attention consciously using Focus exercise
  3. Real time feedback to help you stay on your point of focus
  4. It’s like going to a mental gym and training your brain muscles to help you concentrate.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress

We are evolved in a way that we are susceptible to self-induced stress. If our brain thinks of a past traumatic experience our body experiences the event as if it is happening right now, and anxiety is our body’s response to stress.

Neuphony creates a brain map of your cognitive state to help you:

  1. Identify the emotional triggers
  2. Break the cycle of negative thoughts and feelings feeding off each other
  3. Mindfulness exercises, which help you observe all your thoughts without getting attached to particular one
  4. Auditory feedback if you get stuck on a thought and couldn’t let go

Achieving Internal Peace

With the constant bombardment of information and being in a state of over-arousal deprives our brain of the time to consolidate and enhance our understanding. Being thoughtless is a gift for your mind.

Neuphony creates a brain map of your cognitive state and helps

  1. Create a roadmap tailored for your mind
  2. Slowly guide and train your brain to take a break
  3. Create awareness about the Inner working of your mind
  4. Enhance the experience of your meditation session by tracking your brain activity

Self Development

Our habits are nothing but our autonomous nervous system taking control over our mind. We all have, at some point, made a conscious decision to make a change. Ever wondered why is it so hard?

Neuphony creates a brain map of your cognitive state to help you

  1. Identify those autonomous programs in our mind
  2. Similar to bad habits, good ones can be instilled into the subconscious
  3. Recommend mindfulness meditation, and focus exercises based on your brain state
  4. Help you retain your subconscious

To learn more about Neuphony: Click Here

About MHT Podcast

MHT Podcast is an online audio-based platform, by Mental Health Today, devoted to sharing information and awareness on mental health-related issues. MHT Podcast has a variety of series such as MHT Podcast | Therapy for Thoughts, MHT Podcast | Autism Support, MHT Podcast | Survivor Series, MHT Podcast | Bibliotherapy, MHT Podcast | Media Reviews, MHT Podcast | Psychology 101, and more. These different series reflect a new and more diverse perspective of mental health in our society and also at an individual level. 

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 Photo Credits:
 The Science of Meditation - Mindful

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