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Women and their Legal Rights in India

In any country, it’s citizens will only feel safe when they have some legal rights under their belts. The Indian constitution also has certain legislative measures that are intended to ensure equal rights between all it’s citizens, to counter social discrimination.

This International Women’s Day, we thought of curating a list of some Legal Rights that any women in India holds and can make use of in any given situation.

Legal Rights for Women are listed below:

  1. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005) is a complete enactment to shield women in India from any and all types of aggressive behaviour at home. It covers all kinds of violence of any sort—physical, sexual, mental, verbal or passionate.
  2. Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act (1956) is the chief enactment for counteraction of dealing with the trafficking women business. As such, it forestalls trafficking women and young girls with the end goal of ending prostitution.
  3. Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act (1986) forbids the revolting portrayal of women through ads and/or/in distributions, works, canvases, figures or any other way.
  4. Dowry Prohibition Act (1961) prohibits the act of giving/taking/sharing of any sort of dowry at/during/before or any time after the marriage from women and their families.
  5. Equal Remuneration Act (1976) accommodates instalment of equivalent compensation to both men and women for the same work or work of a comparative sort. It additionally forestalls segregation on the ground of sex, against women in enrollment and administration conditions.
  6. Indian Penal Code (1860) contains arrangements to shield Indian women from death, assault, abducting, any sort of cruelty and different offences.
  7. Minimum Wages Act (1948) doesn’t permit segregation among male and female workers or distinctive minimum wages for them.
  8. National Commission for Women Act (1990) accommodated the foundation of a National Commission for Women to study and screen all issues identifying with the established and legitimate rights and protects of women.
  9. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal). Act (2013) gives assurance to ladies from inappropriate behaviour at all working environments both in broad daylight and private segment, regardless of whether organized or disorderly.
  10. Legal Services Authorities Act (1987) provides for free legal services to Indian women.

Click here to know more about women’s Constitutional Rights in India.



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