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Best books on Autism for parents and professionals.

Books are useful resources for gathering information on various topics across the globe. Books on autism are a treasure of useful tips and techniques that can help many parents and professionals in understanding the children with autism and providing them better support. Below are the top rated books of all time, read by thousands of people, that give new insights and perspective of ASD and many other helpful resources for support and development.  

  1. Ten Things every child with autism wishes you knew

A book that helps understand autism from a new perspective. Ellen Notbomh’s, author of the book, is a mother of two sons with autism and ADHD. She has shared her experiences in this book that can relate to many mothers, parents and professionals in the field. This is a very informative book that talks about concepts such as sensory issues, communication, behavioural issues through personal stories and some healthy humor.

2. 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism or Asperger’s

This is an essential read for those working with children with autism and wanted to further enhance their skills. Organizations supporting children with autism have to work with visual learning,  hypo and hyperactive sensory issues, oral activity and social emotions. This guide can helpfully to learn about concepts such as life skills and communication. Many more helpful resources for parents and professionals can be found in the book that can support development of children with Autism. 

3. Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom: A Handy Reference Guide that Explains Behaviors Associated with Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, and other Special Needs 

The author uses simple language that can be easily understood. This book talks about “doable solutions” for different situations that can occur with a parent of the child with autism. Classmates, teachers and professionals can also use some helpful techniques for supporting special needs in outside settings. The author talks about clothing issues, messy activities, covering ears, arm swinging-flapping and more. The solutions provided by the author for these problems are feasible and practical.

4. Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism

As the title of the book suggests, Dr.Prizant has given a unique perspective of understanding autism. He has worked in different settings such as hospitals, schools. Organisations and private practice. Forty years of experience by Dr Prizant’s leads to an informative narration of the development process of autism. Focus is made on strengths and better quality of life. A highly recommended book by many parents, professionals and reviewers. 

5. The Reason I Jump: one boy’s voice from the silence of autism

A memoir that uses an interesting question and answer format to talk about thoughts, feelings and experiences of a child with autism. A new perspective, that is rare to find, gives insight into the need of compassion, patience and understanding around a child with special needs. Very few of us can imagine through a child’s perspective who has autism. Since, the author provides a personal outlook, reading it can lead to new revelations about autism.

6. Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently

 The special characteristic of this book is that it has talked of the history of autism and its evolution as a disability over the years. With the help of early research and anecdotes of journeys of people with autism, the author skillfully conveys the message of diversity in symptoms and characteristics along the spectrum. Acknowledging this “neurodiversity” can help parents and professionals learn and tackle differences in a better and more humane way. 


  1. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23492643-uniquely-human
  2. https://www.specialneedsbookreview.com/2011/08/26/1001-great-ideas-for-teaching-raising-children-with-autism-or-aspergers-2nd-edition-by-ellen-notbohm-and-veronica-zysk-book-review/
  3. https://www.specialneedsbookreview.com/2010/11/16/behavior-solutions-for-the-inclusive-classroom-see-a-behavior-look-it-up-a-review/
  4. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16113737-the-reason-i-jump

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