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Top 10 Online Courses for everyone associated with Autism

Online courses are a unique source of information and learning. Due to the prevalence as well as the convenience associated with undertaking online course, large number of people have started to enroll into new courses for personal and professional development.

This article aims to share online courses on Autism that can be helpful for individuals, parents and professionals associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Here is a list of top 10 online courses, some are free and some are paid, that can support the learning and development of individuals with autism as well as for parents and professionals to understand Autism better. 

SMART-ASD: Matching Autistic People with Technology Resources

Learn about:

  • What is ASD and Intellectual (or learning) Disability (ID)?
  • How can technology best support children with ASD and ID?
  • How to choose the most appropriate technology to support children with ASD and ID

SMART-ASD: Matching autistic people with technology – how recommendations can be made, specific to each child.

A guide to Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome at the workplace

This is a step by step guide to supporting Autism at work or in education.

  • Do you have a colleague/employee with AS?
  • Are you aware of AS?
  • Would you like to have better working relationships with your co-worker or employee?
  • Are you a teacher?
  • Do you have students with Autism at college or University?

This course will teach you about Autism and guide you through step-by-step on how to communicate, adapt and cultivate better working relationships for everyone involved at the workplace or at college or University.

Autism Step by Step: The ultimate guide for families

The aim of this video-tutorial is to clarify all the doubts about what it means to have in the family a person with the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are going to explain the characteristics, definitions and capacities that they have, and above all, the support that these people and their families will need at different stages of their lives.

Married to Autism? Find Connection and Ease

This course is for typically developing people (aka “neurotypicals”) married to people on the autism spectrum (and those who aren’t married yet or were married before).

If you have autism yourself, come back soon for a course about marriage and relationships geared specifically to you. It’s coming!

AUTISM: Cultivating Healthy Relationships Through Play

In this course we will help you let go of the push and pull to try to get your child to meet your goals and help you discover how to reach your goals through play, for young and old, more naturally.

Most therapeutic approaches don’t model neurotypical play, therefore our kids don’t have the opportunity to learn things like theory of mind, initiating interaction, and good ‘ole Parallel Play or Cooperative Play skills!

This is a quick introductory guide to help you or your team members get started through our short and fun videos!

Autism: an Instant Cognition Improvement Course!

In this course, a few new symptoms-relieving techniques will be described including Quantum biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Crystal Light Therapy, meditation techniques and other useful methods that can decrease the symptoms of autism amazingly fast!

Early intervention for children with Autism

Develop visuals to help children with special needs cope better in terms of managing their behaviours and helping them in their academic development.

Customize a toilet training and food program for children with sensory issues.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) The Facts for Parents

You will learn how to:

  • Better define Autism
  • Explain what the Autism spectrum is
  • Understand the benefits of an early autism diagnosis
  • List some of the common signs of Autism
  • Gain some idea of what it is actually like to have Autism
  • Know what to do when your child has been diagnosed with Autism
  • Know what NOT to do when your child has been diagnosed with Autism
  • Have some idea of what to say and what not to say to parents who’s child has been diagnosed with Autism
  • Explore the emotional stages that a parent may go through when their child has been diagnosed with Autism
  • Understand how to increase social inclusion for children with Autism
  • Understand the psychological well-being needs of a child with Autism

Autism – Tips for Air Travel – Yes You Can!

This course will provide you with easy and practical information to assist you and your family to have a safe and smooth vacation for everyone, especially your children with autism spectrum disorder. I will provide you with easy, inexpensive ways to make your trip an adventure for all. I will provide you some insight information I have gathered while working with children with ASD. Hello, my name is Dr Valarie Whiting and I have worked in Human Services for more than 30 years. I have worked with many innovators, top teachers, and researchers in the autism world. I hope you will look at my information and share your experiences as well. I am so happy you decided to buy this class! I know you will learn something helpful! Dr. Valarie

Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)

Some of the aspects you will understand through this course include:

– Basic techniques and methods used in Applied Behavioral Analysis

– Rules to increase the effectiveness of ABA

– How ABA can be applied to motor skills, language, cognitive and visuospatial skills

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