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How Society views Suicide | Keya Sampat

Podcast | How Society views Suicide | Keya Sampat

Suicide in Indian Society is at an all time high and also in the limelight currently for all the wrong reasons. September is World Suicide Prevention Month and we at MHT India invited experts from the mental health community to impart knowledge around this stigmatized topic. 

In this podcast, Ms. Keya Sampat joins us to talk about the stigma around suicide in Indian society and also how we as a society, can work towards suicide prevention.

We also discuss why there is stigma around deaths by suicide in Indian Society along with why there is a constant rise in the number of deaths by suicide. Ms. Keya Sampat, a practising psychologist, explains the difference between passive suicide ideation and active suicide ideation and also the link between mental health disorders and suicide. 

Tune into this MHT India Podcast where we look at how we as a society, can become more sensitive towards mental illnesses, how the family members and friends help during difficult times and also what an individual having suicide ideation can do to take care of their own mental health.

suicide - suicide in indian society - keya sampat
Picture Credits – DNA

How to help a person suffering with suicide ideation?

On the off chance, if an individual is communicating that they have suicidal thoughts or you see indications of possible suicidality, it’s critical to pay attention to it. Some of the time, a suicidal individual may request you to stay quiet about their circumstance. It can be really difficult to keep the secret or to help alone, so at that time you can take professional help.

Change can be moderate. Attempting to help somebody who is depressed and isn’t reacting to your efforts can be irritating and anxiety-provoking. It’s critical to deal with yourself and get uphold, as well. If you don’t deal with yourself, you may get angry, feel frustrated, or leave the individual alone, so at this point, it’s a smart idea to contact a mental health professional.

About Ms. Keya Sampat

Ms. Keya Sampat is a psychologist based out of Andheri, Mumbai. She is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist with more than 2 years of experience in this field. Along with hypnotherapy, Ms. Keya also helps individuals through anger management, stress management, counseling and psychotherapy.

Click here to know more.

About Therapy for Thoughts | MHT Podcast

Therapy for Thoughts is a Podcast Series developed by MHT India where we aim at de-stigmatization of mental health, therapy and everything in between. The episodes from this series are dedicated towards creating an awareness amongst listeners by inviting experts from the field and providing a platform for imparting their knowledge and expertise. 

Since therapy and counselling is an ever-evolving field of psychology, MHT India considers educating and updating listeners regarding the new changes and development in therapy can be beneficial for them in order to seek the right support for their specific needs.

The information shared in these episodes can also be used by budding psychologists. Moreover, you may also directly connect with the speaker psychologist in the many episodes of Therapy of Thought. 

If you wish to join as a speaker for our next podcast, send us an email at: support@mentalhealthtoday.co.in

About MHT Podcast

MHT Podcast is an online audio based platform, by Mental Health Today, devoted to sharing information and awareness on mental health-related issues. MHT Podcast has a variety of series such as MHT Podcast | Therapy for Thoughts, MHT Podcast | Autism Support, MHT Podcast | Survivor Series, MHT Podcast | Bibliotherapy, MHT Podcast | Media Reviews, MHT Podcast | Psychology 101 and more. These different series reflects a new and more diverse perspective of mental health in our society and also at an individual level. 

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Team MHT hopes you found this podcast helpful and informative. Stay tuned for more such content coming up. If you wish to join as a speaker for our next podcast, please do let us know in the comments below and one of our team members will get to you. Kindly like, share and subscribe to MHT’s social media handles here; YoutubeFacebookInstagramTwitter and LinkedIn. In case of any queries, please refer to our Privacy Policy or write to us at support@mentalhealthtoday.co.in

Picture Credits: Quartz

2 thoughts on “How Society views Suicide | Keya Sampat”

  1. I thought your podcast was very good. However, when you mentioned the term “successful” suicide it struck a nerve with me. There is no such thing as a successful suicide. When a person kills themselves it’s a failure of everything in their lives. Their families, friends every other support system failed to respond to their cry for help. I prefer the term “completed”
    Also, the term “failed suicide attempt” is another term I find upsetting. Just use the term “suicide attempt”. A person feels bad enough already. Do not add to their distress.

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