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Therapy and Counseling for Pregnancy | Priyanka Bantawal | Therapy for Thought – Ep. 08

Therapy and Counseling for Pregnancy | Priyanka Bantawal | Therapy for Thought – Ep. 08

Therapy and counseling for pregnancy related issues has gained more importance due to higher social and financial stressors as compared to before. A woman who is pregnant undergoes tremendous changes- physiological, psychological as well as socially. This transition in life further needs new adjustments for the couple as well as the family. Due to these pregnancy related changes and adjustments, some women can find this experience overwhelming and thereby seek for support from therapy and counseling.

Ms. Priyanka Bantwal is a counseling psychologist with expertise in therapy and counseling for pregnancy joins this podcast episode with MHT. In this episode, she talks about pregnancy related issues such as guilt, body image issues, relationship issues, self care, prenatal counseling and postpartum depression. 

The major emphasis has been placed on self-compassion by Ms. Bantwal. In this podcast episode, she also talks about the prevalence of miscarriages and depression amongst women. Tune in to this episode to know about the various advantages of therapy and counseling for pregnancy. 

About Mrs. Priyanka Bantwal

Mrs. Priyanka Bantwal is a psychologist based out of Mangalore. Her expertise in perinatal mental health and counselling for pregnancy-related issues has been helping many individuals during these emotionally overwhelming times.

About Therapy for Thoughts | MHT Podcast

Therapy for Thoughts is a Podcast Series developed by MHT India where we aim at de-stigmatization of mental health, therapy and everything in between. The episodes from this series are dedicated towards creating an awareness amongst listeners by inviting experts from the field and providing a platform for imparting their knowledge and expertise. 

Since therapy and counseling is an ever-evolving field of psychology, MHT India, considers educating and updating listeners regarding the new changes and development in therapy can be beneficial for them in order to seek the right support for their specific needs.

The information shared in these episodes can also be used by budding psychologists. Moreover, you may also directly connect with the speaker psychologist in the many episodes of Therapy of Thought. 

If you wish to join as a speaker for our next podcast, send us an email at: support@mentalhealthtoday.co.in

About MHT Podcast

MHT Podcast is an online audio based platform, by Mental Health Today, devoted to sharing information and awareness on mental health-related issues. MHT Podcast has a variety of series such as MHT Podcast | Therapy for Thoughts, MHT Podcast | Autism Support, MHT Podcast | Survivor Series, MHT Podcast | Bibliotherapy, MHT Podcast | Media Reviews, MHT Podcast | Psychology 101 and more. These different series reflects a new and more diverse perspective of mental health in our society and also at an individual level. 

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