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Changing Attitude Towards Stress Management | Ms. Simran Parekh

Stress management - Stress - Attitude - simran parekh - MHT Podcast
By MHT Podcasts; Ms. Simran Parekh

Stress is the most common psychological difficulty faced by almost every individual. Every individual has different attitude towards stressors and stress management. Inability to cope with various demands from the environment results in stress. Various daily life events and some major changes in life can serve as stressors for individuals. Common examples of stressors can include work and life balance, traveling to work, dealing with toxic relationships, influence of social media, major changes like death of al oved one, pandemic, diagnosis of any illness, etc.

If the inability to cope with stressors remain without any aid or management, stress can become a source of chronic mental health condition. Stress not only affects mental health but also affects physical health and interpersonal relationships in various ways. Hence, stress management becomes very important. Because the daily life of an individual is becoming so competitive, to cut the source of stress is almost impossible. The only way out is to learn to deal with it through various techniques of stress management.

How to change attitude towards stress management?

In this podcast by Ms. Simran Parekh, learn what are common stressors, what is stress management, how important is stress management to be applied effectively. She discusses how stress has become an integral part of each individual’s life be it of any age, gender, caste or creed.

She also talks about how negative automatic thinking pattern can nullify the effect of stress management and how that attitude needs to be changed to positive thinking pattern so as to implement stress management techniques effectively.

She gives out various situational and individual based stress management techniques like that of doin yoga, meditation, listening to music, planning your day or events in ahead of time, dancing it out, having a positive outlook at situations and so on. She focuses on important contributing factors to stress management like social support and thought pattern.

Tune in to this podcast to understand and practice better stress management!

About Ms. Simran Parekh

mental health professional - simran parekh - changing attitude towards stress management

Ms. Simran Parekh is a psychologist, specializing in clinical psychology working with Children, Adolescents and Adults.

She is based out of Kolkata. She deals with issues like Depression, Anxiety, Stress, ADHD, OCD, Personality disorders, Childhood disorders.

Ms. Parekh has gained expertise in various psychotherapeutic interventions such as CBT, DBT, REBT, MBCT, BT, Stress management, Relaxation Techniques and more.

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