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How building a supportive community can help in the development of children with ASD | Ms. Aditi Buch


ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. ASD is usually first diagnosed in childhood with many of the most obvious signs presenting around 2-3 years old, but some children with autism develop normally until toddlerhood when they stop acquiring or lose previously gained skills.  According to the CDC, one in 59 children is estimated to have autism. 

This April, Autism Awareness Month, we at MHT India aim to bring to you multiple research backed blogs, podcasts, webinars and products, curated by mental health professionals, in order to spread awareness about this mental disorder that is being seen in growing numbers in recent times.

In this podcast, we talk to Ms. Aditi Buch, a counseling psychologist, about what ASD is, how she views this disorder and how we can cultivate a supportive community which can further help in the overall development of children with ASD.

Looking for child development centers in India that can help you in providing early intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder? Click here to visit the MHT Directory for Child Development Centers. Click here to know more about the best organizations that aim towards providing the best treatment for Autism.

About Ms. Aditi Buch

Ms. Aditi Buch is a counseling psychologist with a specialization in child psychology based out of Mumbai. She currently works in an inclusive school set up to support children with emotional and behavioral needs. The intervention strategies she prefers to implement via play way find a root in cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness.

Find out more about Ms. Aditi and get in touch. Click here.

Mind Alcove

Track your daily mood with a mood-o-meter, understand your emotions over time, manage your stress and anxiety, and increase self-awareness. Mind Alcove also extends an in-app anonymous community platform for you to get a little extra support or guidance and feel lighter through sharing and caring for other community members.

The Mind Alcove App comes with features such as journaling and mood tracking. With the help of journaling and mood tracking, parents of children with autism can understand their moods and emotions better at a go of a click. Upon gaining more awareness about self, one can take better decisions, avoid triggers causing negative moods and thereby improve their quality of life.

About MHT Podcast

MHT Podcast is an online audio based platform, by Mental Health Today, devoted to sharing information and awareness on mental health-related issues. MHT Podcast has a variety of series such as MHT Podcast | Therapy for Thoughts, MHT Podcast | Autism Support, MHT Podcast | Survivor Series, MHT Podcast | Bibliotherapy, MHT Podcast | Media Reviews, MHT Podcast | Psychology 101 and more. These different series reflects a new and more diverse perspective of mental health in our society and also at an individual level. 

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Team MHT hopes you found this podcast helpful and informative. Stay tuned for more such content coming up. If you wish to join as a speaker for our next podcast, please do let us know in the comments below and one of our team members will get to you. Kindly like, share and subscribe to MHT’s social media handles here; YoutubeFacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn. In case of any queries, please refer to our Privacy Policy or write to us at support@mentalhealthtoday.co.in.

Picture Credits - May Institute

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