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Useful Tips for Parents of Children with Autism | Ms. Mantasha Riyaz

By Mantasha & MHT Podcasts

April is Autism Awareness month where experts and professionals from different fields of mental health provide their insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Following is an extract from the podcast conversation with Ms. Mantasha Riyaz.

While administering ADI-R for the diagnosis of Autism.

I realized the importance of primary care by the mother towards the child, the environment of the child, and the initial parents’ interaction with the child.
After working with so many parents. Some advice I would like to give –

1) Accept the child the way he/she is . Once the child is accepted , the child himself will take an initiative to express himself and will show his/ her needs.

2) If the parents are anxious or negative, then this anxiety will be transferred to the child and the child will be more anxious leading to the increased negative behavior of the child.
o that’s both the parents and environment of the child should be very positive.
Keep on spreading positive vibes to the child. You will see a lot of changes in your child.

3) Keep on interacting with the child as much as you can. I believe parents can modify the behavior of the child through interaction.
Interaction could be in any form.

4) Trust the child and let him explore . Also remember don’t force your child for anything . It may impact the child’s self esteem.
So give him/her the opportunity to explore.

5) Appreciate the child as much as you can . Even for a small effort , do reward your child.


We at MHT care greatly about the well-being of the autistic population as well as their primary caregivers. The following is a list of mobile apps that can greatly help all our readers, regardless of which population they belong to.

  1. Happy Chant App
    Happy Chant is a revolutionary App designed to help people improve their lives through pleasant mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and chanting of mantras. Since compassion and mental health are more important than ever right now, we came up with the idea of creating a system that helps users cope with stress, anxiety, a lack of concentration, and much more. HappyChant is intended to bring positive change to people’s lives, offering a friendly and easy-to-use support system for you to practice the science of chanting mantras and thus, taking care of your mental and physical wellness.
  2. Eka Meditation
    Eka is a yoga and meditation app from India, and it has guided lessons on Asanas in the Hatha Yoga style, Yoga Nidra deep relaxation practice, Pranayama or breathing exercises, Chanting, and Meditations. The app focuses on mental and emotional wellbeing and seeks to help its users build a personal yoga practice at home. One can also book a therapist through the app.
  3. Mind Alcove – Journaling & Mood Tracking App
    Track your daily mood with a mood-o-meter, understand your emotions over time, manage your stress and anxiety, and increase self-awareness. Mind Alcove also extends an in-app anonymous community platform for you to get a little extra support or guidance and feel lighter through sharing and caring for other community members.

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MHT Podcast is an online audio based platform, by Mental Health Today, devoted to sharing information and awareness on mental health-related issues. MHT Podcast has a variety of series such as MHT Podcast | Therapy for Thoughts, MHT Podcast | Autism Support, MHT Podcast | Survivor Series, MHT Podcast | Bibliotherapy, MHT Podcast | Media Reviews, MHT Podcast | Psychology 101 and more. These different series reflects a new and more diverse perspective of mental health in our society and also at an individual level. 

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