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Reel vs Real- A chat on Autism | Ms Kruttika Agasty


Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder which is characterized with difficulties in social, emotional, and communication skills.

Media has gloried mental illnesses and mental disorders and rarely do they show what the disorder is in actuality. The reel portrays of disability might be very different from reality. Sheldon Cooper and Sherlock Homes, do they show the actual mental disorder or are they completely fictional?

April is Autism Awareness Month and we at MHT thought to talk to a professional about how the neuro-disability, Autism is seen in media and how it actually is.

About Ms Kruttika Agasty

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in the United States today. In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association merged four distinct autism diagnoses into one umbrella diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They included autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and Asperger syndrome

kruttika - autism

Ms. Kruttika Agasty is a counseling psychologist and a research associate who believes that Mental Health requires a real picture and plans to paint one with her work in the near future. She has worked in the school setting and closely been with children who are on the Autism Spectrum.

When she is not scrolling through her psychology-related content, she will mostly be found quoting sitcoms, making their character sketches and also, sipping coffee!

Send her hello at kruttika.agasty@gmail.com Or @truelykru on Instagram.

Eka Meditation

Eka is a yoga and meditation app from India, and it has guided lessons on Asanas in the Hatha Yoga style, Yoga Nidra deep relaxation practice, Pranayama or breathing exercises, Chanting and Meditations. The app focuses on the mental and emotional wellbeing and seeks to help its users build a personal yoga practice at home. One can also book a therapist through the app.

The benefits of Yoga for mental health cannot be ignored. The app from Eka Meditation focuses on the same. The app focuses on mental and emotional wellbeing and seeks to help its users build a personal yoga practice at home. Relieve anxiety and improve sleep with guided programs comprising movement, relaxation, concentration, and meditation.

Mind Alcove

Track your daily mood with a mood-o-meter, understand your emotions over time, manage your stress and anxiety, and increase self-awareness. Mind Alcove also extends an in-app anonymous community platform for you to get a little extra support or guidance and feel lighter through sharing and caring for other community members.

The Mind Alcove App comes with features such as journaling and mood tracking. With the help of journaling and mood tracking, parents of children with autism can understand their moods and emotions better at a go of a click. Upon gaining more awareness about self, one can take better decisions, avoid triggers causing negative moods and thereby improve their quality of life.

Download the app from your PlayStore or AppStore and take better care of your thoughts and emotions whenever parenting gets challenging and cumbersome. 

The pandemic caused by coronavirus is one of a kind situation for people across the globe. The measures undertaken to stop the spread of the virus has caused various disruptions in work and family routines. Moreover, it is a much more difficult time for parents as well as children with Autism.

Time to put your excessive worries to end. MHT Blogs have come up with unique resources for autism that can aid your child’s development even during this pandemic. Click here for some activities and resources that target social skills, sensory issues, scheduling and other helpful tips for your child with autism.

References -

1. Autism Speaks - What is Autism?
2. Picture Credits - Creative Bloq

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